Branded Self Hosted Cloud Storage

Tragetory to Success

A new home for your files

SRS Self Hosted cloud storage example
Cloud storage Sharing


Share files and folders with other users, allowing collaboration, or make files and folders publicly accessible via shareable links.

Cloud storage preview


Preview uploaded files including: audio, video, images, text, zip, PDF and more right in the browser without the need to download them first.

SRS Self Hosted cloud storage example 2
Our Professionals

Keep your files safe

If something happens to your device, you don’t have to worry about losing your files or photos – they’re in your self-hosted cloud storage and encrypted using SSL.

Benefits & Advantages

Cloud Storage

Store any file

Keep photos, stories, designs, drawings, recordings, videos, and more.

See your stuff anywhere

Your files in your own cloud storage can be reached from any smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Share files and folders

You can quickly invite others to view, download, and collaborate on all the files you want.

Get a quote now and put your idea into practice

We know the importance of a good layout, so we are here to take your product to your right customer.